Sahil Bansal


I am Sahil Bansal. I am a Masters student at Brown University studying Computer Science. My interests lie in software and systems.

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Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

A software project where we created the back and front end of a website where you could play ultimate tic-tac-toe. We implemented an AI based on the minimax algorithm, and the improved version alpha-beta pruning. We implemented sockets on the website to allow users from around the world to play each other.

Computer Vision Project: GANime
GitHub / Project Report

A computer vision project where we implemented and compared three different General Adversarial Networks (Deep Convolutional, Least Squares, Wasserstein) to generate the best anime faces.

Cryography Project: Optimizing Yao's Garbled Circuit
Project Report / Presentation Video

A cryptography project where I implemented the Free XOR, Free NOT, Row-Reduction (GRR3), and Half Gates optimizations to Yao's Garbled Circuits and compared and contrasted them.

2D Game Engine With Various Games
Drive to Game Demos

I created an extensible 2D game engine from scratch. It has functionality to deal with different user commands, 2D animations, collisions, basic physics, and much more! I then built some games on top of my engine!

Data Science Project: Nutritional Profiles of Countries Around the World

A data science project where we went through the data pipeline to collect, analyze, and report on the nutritional profiles of countries around the world.

Modelling Project: Nine Men Morris
GitHub / Project Presentation + Demo Video

A modeling project where we modeled the Nine Men Morris game, and determined if the flying move was required to win the game.

Deep Learning Project: Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
GitHub / Project Report / Devpost

A deep learning project where we attempted to implement a deep learning architecture called Faster R-CNN to detect and classify traffic signs in particularly noisy images.

Design and Embedded Systems Project: HeartBeam
Medium Article

A design and embedded systems project where we iteratively worked on creating an object that allows a person to become in tune with their heartbeat and therefore their emotions.

Design Project: PanoptiCo
Medium Article

A design project where came up with a futuristic object and iteratively worked on producing a diegetic prototype. The object was based upon critiquing social media.

Design Project: Pepper
Medium Article

A design project where we explored iteratively explored holograms in relation to the illusion technique Pepper's Ghost.

Embedded Systems Project: Zen Garden Timer
GitHub / Project Report

An embedded systems project where we created a timer that visually measures the passage of time, taking inspiration from sand-drawing zen gardens.